Cash Flow Decisions Success Center
- Add a ‘Back Office User’ to your PlanFacts account
- How to Propose Annuities Using Cannex in CashFlow
- Stress Test the Retirement Plans
- Special (itemized) expense inputs
- Enhanced Annuity Input Details for Proposed Annuities
- Choose between automatic optimization or manual selection
- Reverse Mortgage Inputs in Cash Flow Decisions
- Proposing Qualified Annuities-RMD Calculation
- Proposing Life Insurance with Cash-Value Loan Distributions in CFD
- Is your client divorced and not remarried?
- Personalize Your Printed Presentations
- Cannex Integration Steps
- Drag-and-Drop Case Importing
- How to Integrate with WinFlex (Life Insurance Illustrations)
- The Government Pension Offset (GPO) Calculation Example
- Entering a WEP and GPO case in CFD or SSPro
- How to view a cash-flow breakdown, year by year, in Cash Flow Decisions
- Proposing products (life insurance and annuities) in Cash Flow Decisions
- How can I show my clients filing for their own benefits, and not for spousal benefits?
Case Studies
- The Flooring Approach (Guaranteed Income)
- Use CFD to determine your client’s pension payout options
- How to enter a Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC) in CFD?
Fact Finders
- Why are there assets getting withdrawn when the income is sufficient enough to pay for expenses?
- What are the system requirements for PlanFacts Tools?
- What is considered substantial earnings for Social Security calculations?
- What is the rate of return/discount rate for the Social Security inputs?
- Why is the survivor’s benefit higher than it should be?
- What amount should I enter for the deceased’s benefit amount?
- How to determine the monthly amount of non-covered pension?
- I have the Roth IRA situated before another account in the consumption order section, why isn’t the Roth IRA money getting used first?
- When someone is born between 1955 and 1959, the FRA and Birthday selection pop-up question appears. What is it and why do the benefit amounts appear to be the same sometimes?
- Why is the first year of the Social Security benefit in the ledger smaller than the years after?
Sample Presentations
- Sample case for couple who do not qualify to ‘file and restrict’
- Sample case for Cash Flow Decisions
- See an example of a QLAC in a CFD report
Helpful Links
- What is considered substantial earnings for Social Security calculations?
- SSA Calculator: Benefit Amount Estimator
- SSA Calculator: WEP Reduction
- SSA Chart: Early vs Late Filing
- SSA Actuarial Life Expectancy Table
- SSA Brochure: Retirement Benefits
- SSA Brochure: Survivors Benefits
- SSA Brochure: Working While Receiving
- SSA Brochure: Government Pension Offset
- SSA Brochure: Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)