Breaking down the ‘Current Retirement Journey’ page in RRM
The Current Retirement Journey page does an excellent job at showing a snap-shot of the retirement phase breakdown details.
For the phase titled Initial Retirement, which begins in 14 years, $299,545 is required today to fund that entire phase (5 total years). The $299,545 today is assumed to grow to $677,242 dollars by the beginning of that phase (when Joe turns 70).
As another example, the Seasoned Retirement phase, which begins in 19 years, requires $523,843 in today’s dollars to fund the 10 years of that particular retirement phase. Between now and 19 years from now, the $523,843 will grow to $1,373,010 (total amount needed 19 years from now to fund the entire phase).
So what’s the allocation and rates of return being assumed? Search ‘Time Horizons Determine Investments’ in the Success Center for more.