Spousal benefit calculation example (reduction)

How is the reduced spousal benefit calculated when one files at 62 (or anytime before FRA)?

*The example below pertains to someone filing at 62 years of age. For other (early) filing age % reductions, click  https://www.ssa.gov/oact/quickcalc/earlyretire.html


Husband’s PIA= 2858

Wife’s PIA= 1172

Scenario: Wife files at 62 husband filing already at 70

1172-25.83%= 870 (own reduced benefit)

2858/2= 1429 (what would be combined amount for wife without reduction)

1429-1172(wife’s PIA)=257 (what would be spousal amount for wife without reduction)

257-30.83%= 79  (amount to be reduced for taking at 62)

257-79=178 (original spousal amount not reduced minus amount to be reduced)


Results: 870 own reduced benefit plus 178 reduced spousal totaling 1057