Reverse Mortgage Inputs in Cash Flow Decisions
Make sure you enter an existing reverse mortgage or a proposed reversed mortgage in the correct location!
A smaller but newer update is a change in the Reverse Mortgage input. If you client has an existing reverse mortgage, add it in the Income Sources screen. After seeing
the cash-flow results (the screen with the big bar graph), you’ll see a screen titled Add Reliable Income. There you’llbe able to propose a reverse mortgage if wanted.
Not only will you see the Proposed Reverse Mortgage input here, you’ll see the other things you can propose for your client on this screen as well (Life Insurance and
Annuities). Once something is proposed, the next screen will have two bar graphs side by side, Current and Proposed (we call this the Playground). This is how you can
compare the two plans fairly and add market return stress test to the plan and change assumptions.